While we were in San Antonio we went to Sea World and the Alamo. The kids loved Sea World especially Shamu. The still talk about Shamu. We were able to even have dinner with Shamu. We got to go behind the show tank to the training area to eat and get a close up view of the whales. The trainers came around to answer questions as well. It was very neat.

The Alamo was fun for the kids to walk around but they enjoyed the boat ride on the River Walk more. I went to the Alamo when I was 10 years old and didn't like it at all. As an adult it was very interesting.

The next day we loaded up and headed to my dad's place in Sherman. It was a long drive but the kids did good. When we finally made it to his place we had BBQ waiting for us. It was different than KC BBQ but it was really good.
The next day we went out on my dad's boat. It was fun to ride around and Lainey loved standing up front with the wind in her face. Liam liked sitting in the back under the shape of the canopy. We were able to find a spot to beach the boat and play in the sand and water. Lainey is a water baby and we couldn't keep her out, she was not scared at all. Liam on the other hand would barely put his feet in. Toward the end of our time there I did get him to run into the water with me. After we left we discovered how red Liam, Lainey, and I were even though we put on sunblock. Then we headed to my dad's casino project to see what work he is up to. It was huge with multiple phases. It looks it will be neat when it is done.

The next day I was able to go and visit one of my old roommates from Ricks who I hadn't seen in 9 years, who happened to live about a half hour from my dad. She isn't from that area but moved there about a year ago. It was a lot of fun to visit and catch up with her. Plus our kids had good time playing together. Then that evening my dad took us to the cowboy stores to gear up for the rodeo. Liam and Lainey got boots and hats which they love. They still put them on almost everyday and Lainey says "yee-haw cowboy" a lot. For years my dad has tried to get me to get boots and I finally gave in. I really like them and hope I will be able to wear them often. Oh and Joe even got some boots too, but they don't look cowboyish so that works well for him.
On our last night we went to the rodeo in Mesquite. The kids loved it. Lainey kept saying "yee-haw cowboy" and Liam kept wanting to see buckin' broncos. We had great seats right in the front row near the shoots so the kids were able to see everything. Also the cowboys that wait out on the horses to make sure everyone is safe kept riding past us too so the kids got a good look. They even got to pet one after the show. There were ponies to ride and they both wanted to do but Liam kept chickening out. Finally Joe got him to ride around once.

We flew home the next day and were exhausted. It was a great trip and I am grateful for my dad's generosity but I was happy to be home so the kids could be in their beds and I could be in mine.
that was a cool trip for you guys!
What roommate from Ricks did you visit?
Heather, your family is adorable! Looks like you had a great time! I want to know which roommate, too! I added your blog to mine - feel free to do the same if you haven't already! It's www.lawrenceandbrittany.blogspot.com
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